Praxis Core Test Prep Videos
The free videos below will teach you some of the key content knowledge you need to pass the Praxis Core exam. (Read the descriptions to learn what is covered in each video.)
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Praxis Core Mathematics Prep
The Praxis Core Mathematics video below focuses on using arithmetic skills to solve practical word problems, a concept that typically appears on several Praxis Core Mathematics questions.
We will review the basics of arithmetic and approximation, and how these concepts can be used to think about certain question types.
Praxis Core Reading Prep
The Praxis Core Reading video below focuses on logic, looking in particular at a common type of Praxis Core Reading test question in which you are asked which sentence would best fit in a blank within a passage.
Often, in this type of question, several answer choices will initially seem to fit, but in this video, we will discuss a strategy for looking closer and choosing the best answer.
Praxis Core Writing Prep
The Praxis Core Writing video below focuses on coordination and subordination.
The proper use and understanding of coordinate and subordinate clauses in complex sentences is important to not only many of the question types in the multiple choice section, but also to your writing of the essays required on this exam. is powered by Teachers Test Prep, the nationwide leader in credentialing exam preparation.
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